What Is CBD? The 'Miracle' Cannabis Compound That Doesn't Get You High

If you want to take back your health, feel energetic and well with the minimum investment possible, you HAVE TO read more about CBD cannabis oil. The report also notes that while the effects of CBD have yet to be conclusively proven, what has been observed is that the effects of this cannabinoid are quite different from those of psychoactive THC, notably with regards to behavioral characteristics and stress reactions in mice.

But as my patients at Parsley Health kept asking me about CBD, I decided to dig a little deeper into potential CBD oil benefits and was surprised at how promising it may be. While there has been quite a limited success in medication to prevent or treat epilepsy, the physical and neurological regulatory properties of CBD oil represent an exciting new solution for people with this seizure-inducing condition.

One of those cannabinoids is CBD, or cannabidiol (pronounced cann-a-bid-EYE-ol). In 2017, U.S. hemp-derived CBD sales totaled an estimated $190 million At this point, companies offering CBD products are more akin to craft breweries than large corporations.

Recommended dosages vary between individuals, depending on various factors such as the body weight, the concentration of the product, as well as the person's specific health issue. Summary: CBD oil is legal throughout the U.S., Canada, and Europe (except for Slovakia), as long as its extracted from the hemp (not marijuana) plant, which contains less than 0.3% THC.

I have always looked for natural products that CBD Oil Health Depot can provide the same relief without the risk of side effects. Even though the FDA doesn't endorse CBD in dietary supplements and foods, this drug might lead to the approval of more cannabis-based medicine in the future.

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